Is it possible to admit my pet to the SPA de l’Estrie?

The decision to part with your animal must come from a long reflection. This decision must be a considered as a last resort.

If you wish to admit an animal you find stray, or of which you are not the caretaker, click here.

Do you live in a municipality served by the Eastern Townships SPA?

List of our Partner Municipalities

YES, I reside in a municipality served by the SPA de l’Estrie

Contact our Animal Admission Agents. An appointment can be made to bring your pet to your SPA.

819 821-4727 option 8.

NO, I do not reside in a municipality served by the SPA de l’Estrie

Contact your municipality. They will be able to inform you of the various resources in place to serve the animals in your area.

The most common reasons for a caretaker to decide to admit their pet at the SPA.

Are you familiar with APPARTMAP websites? This site can guide you in your search for an apartment or give you advice to facilitate the discussion with your future owner in order to accept your pet.

We invite you to consult your veterinary clinic in order to rule out any inappropriate behaviour caused by a health problem.

Dogs: Please note that the SPA de l’Estrie offers a consultation service in dog behaviour. Our counsellor can guide you towards solutions depending on the inappropriate behaviour you wish to work on. In addition, we invite you to consult the website of De mains de maître which is full of information about dogs.

Cat : We invite you to consult the Educhateur’s website which is full of information regarding cats. In addition, do not hesitate to communicate by phone with our team, they will be able to advise you on various current problems.

  • Are you sure that you are allergic to your pet only? Have you done any tests to find out the source of your reactions?
  • Try to use anti-allergenic products for animals (allerpet or h2-zoo)
  • Certain strategies can be used to reduce your allergies, for example: creating a neutral zone, regular washing of bedding, repetitive hand washing, removing carpets, etc.
  • We invite you to consult the educhateur’s website for more information.
It is possible to improve the situation with the right tools and advice. We invite you to contact us and share your situation with us. With our expertise and our qualified team, we will be able to support you through this difficult period. Consult our blog articles :

Even if sometimes it happens that two animals who meet for the first time get along well at first sight, most of the time, the sudden arrival of a new companion in the house causes many fights and problems. By following the different steps presented above, you will facilitate the integration and cohabitation of your animals in your home.

The first meeting between the baby and the animal is very important. However, it’s never too late to start over if that encounter has already taken place.

How to proceed for a dog :

  1. A person enters the house without the baby with a blanket impregnated with its scent.
  2. Let the dog smell the blanket and play with it. Reward him with treats.
  3. When the dog is calm, let the baby come into the house.

For a cat, refer to the following article.

If you are experiencing difficult times with your pet, contact us. Our team will be able to offer you solutions and advice on various subjects thanks to its expertise.

If, however, despite the various options offered on this page, you wish to bring your pet to the Eastern Towmships SPA, it is important to call 819 821-4727 option 8 to contact a member of our team to find out how to proceed.

Our employees will be able to find out about your situation and that of your animal before you arrive at the Refuge. We will therefore be better prepared to welcome you at the time of your appointment.